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A Quick Update on Our Progress
Published: February 20, 2024
Hello Point Noble:
A quick update on our progress:
• You may have noticed the attendance of the guard at the front gate has been spotty at best. Obviously, this is unacceptable. When we inquired further and began tracking attendance, it became evident we were being billed for hours when no guard was present. We are terminating the existing security company effective Friday February 23rd and Executive Sentinels will assume responsibility as of Monday the 26th. This should be a much more professional firm and came with excellent references from other high-end communities.
o Executive Sentinels has agreed to bring our longtime guard Steve on board when he returns from his family/medical leave. We will have a temporary guard in place until then.
• Envera: We had a frank discussion regarding our dissatisfaction with their service. The main issue appears to be the fact that their main call center is in Florida on eastern time and is only staffed until 5pm central. After this time, calls roll to their “emergency line”, which has far less capacity to answer calls. We emphasized that those hours are not long enough and they should consider adding additional staff if they are servicing other time zones. We are going to evaluate other options but there will likely be significant switching effort/cost whether we decide to change hardware/software or add additional staffed hours. For now, Envera recommend the following:
o If you have routine, non-urgent matters such as adding a new person to your guestlist, please try to do that during business hours. If you are having a party, please let them know ahead of time. Urgent calls are prioritized after 5pm central.
o If you call and are unable to reach someone at Envera, please leave a message. This creates a ticket and they will respond. Hanging up without a message will do nothing.
o The Envera direct administrative line is 941-952-3719. You can try this in addition to the toll-free number if there is an urgent matter you need addressed.
o Please continue to report any issues (including with gate functionality) to Dale including time and date.
It seems that the mechanical issues with the gate have improved. They were stuck open last weekend because the guard forgot to close them via the gate shack switch on Friday afternoon when she left. We will continue to closely monitor. Once we have evaluated additional options for the electronic security issues we will present the same and solicit feedback from the community.
Thank you.
The Board of Directors
Point Noble HOA